Today was the last Seafari trip of the 2013 season….The Ranger 85 was more like The SS Raging Queen, a ship full of happy, content sea goers was trumped by a very upset dog…
That dog would be Lieu, Captain Franks sidekick and first mate……I could tell by the look in Lieu’s eyes that this was not the “Doggie in the window”…After demanding a pen and paper, Lieu could be seen furiously getting a letter off to Captain Frank…
A quick look over his shoulder revealed the source of his anger, this was no love letter to put it mildly…..the look he gave The good Captain summarized his disgust….
what a way to wrap up the season, we see common dolphins,Anacapa in its natural beauty,Pelicans , Seals.and a reset thermostat…but we didnt see Cheese, hot dogs or a happy Lieu………Thanks to all of you for joining us on the boat,sharing your friendship and supporting our effort to share the Channel Islands Marine life with you through our photography…..Edward, Captain Frank, Chef Paul, and a despondent Lieu
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