October 2013 It was 4 am and the natural phenomenon that we experienced early in the morning was awesome! I saw that Steve was up and looking for squid. You know me, if the Captain is up, so am I . My fellow bunkmates usually do the same. We never want to miss a minute with Captain Kelly.
What we saw next was amazing. There was squid boiling on the water going after the krill. The porpoise were also after the squid and the krill. This was going on for miles and miles!
The beautiful “bright orange” sunrise held promises of a great day of fishing and so we moved on after we made bait.
As it turned out it was a challenging experience at each stop. Kelly was trying everything and going everywhere. It’s a given that when you are on the Island Tak that Captain Steve and Johnny have a work ethic that is unparalleled. Got a few calicos and a few lings and cabbies etc.
I loved being on the boat with Johnny and Captain Kelly and my fishing friends.
I will always remember the early morning wake up call from the squid and krill on the water. One is never bored when you are on the Island Tak, fishing the beautiful the Channel Islands.
Cathy Lee Needleman